So much to do, and so little time.

new store retail shopify store news

I just signed the lease on my first retail location two weeks ago, and I'm due to get the keys May 1st. There's a maddening amount of to-do items on my list, and seemingly not enough time or money to do them. 

The bulk of my items primarily fall into two categories, security and decor. I need new locks, grates, security cameras and an alarms system. Then I need to make it pretty. Paint & wallpaper, followed by display cases and pieces of furniture to be used for display.

Once that's sorted out, I need to move in. I've been accumulating things for the store, which are currently in residence in my apartment and a storage locker. A selection of small tables, and a few chairs, a large cabinet, many paintings, a trunk, books, lamps, etc., need to be transferred into the store. The landlord has been kind enough to allow me to deliver an antique partner desk already, so at least I'll have a place to sit and get organized.

In the mean time, I'm working out the bugs on a Shopify Point of Sale system that will run both the physical inventory as well as my online presence.

It's a lot of work, but it will be worth it when it's all in place and set up.

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